Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Chapter 13an American Renaissance Religion, Romanticism, and Reform Free Essays

Chapter 13An American Renaissance: Religion, Romanticism, and Reform Rational religion 1. The concept of mission in the American character 2. The development of deism 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Chapter 13an American Renaissance: Religion, Romanticism, and Reform or any similar topic only for you Order Now Roots in rationalism and Calvinism 2. Nature of the beliefs 3. The development of Unitarianism 3. Nature of the beliefs 4. Role of William Ellery Channing 5. Creation of American Unitarian Association 4. The development of Universalism 6. Role of John Murray 7. Nature of the beliefs 8. Comparison with Unitarianism The Second Great Awakening 1. Origins of the revival movement 2. The frontier phase of revivalism 1. Development of the camp meeting 2. Frontier reception of the revivals 3. Emergence of the Presbyterians 4. Role of the Baptists 5. The Methodists’ impact 6. Appeal to African Americans 7. Spread of revivals on the frontier 8. Women and revivalism 3. Revivals in western New York State 9. Role of Charles Grandison Finney 10. Nature of Oberlin College 11. The Rise of the Mormons 1. Role of Joseph Smith 2. Characteristics of the church 3. Persecution of Mormons 4. The move to Utah Romanticism in America 12. Nature of the Romantic revolt 13. Transcendentalism as a Romantic expression 5. Nature of Transcendentalism 6. Margaret Fuller 7. Ralph Waldo Emerson 8. Henry David Thoreau 9. The impact of Transcendentalism The flowering of American literature 14. Nathaniel Hawthorne 15. Emily Dickinson 16. Edgar Allan Poe 17. Herman Melville 18. Walt Whitman 19. The popular press 10. Impact of advances in printing technology 11. Proliferation of newspapers Education 20. Level of literacy 21. Early public schools 22. Rising demand for public schools in the 1830s 12. Basis of demand 13. Role of Horace Mann 14. Leadership of North Carolina in the South 15. Limited progress 23. Developments in higher education 16. Post-Revolutionary surge in college formation 17. Conflicts over curriculum 18. Slow growth of technical education 24. Education for women Movements for reform 25. Roots of reform 26. Temperance 19. Heavy consumption of alcohol in the United States 20. Arguments for temperance 21. Early efforts at reform 22. The American Temperance Union 27. Prison reform 23. Growth of public institutions to treat social ills 24. Prevention and rehabilitation versus punishment for crime 25. Auburn prison system 28. Reform in treatment of the insane 6. Early state institutions for the insane 27. Work of Dorothea Dix 29. Crusade for women’s rights 28. Catharine Beecher and the â€Å"cult of domesticity† 29. Advantages of domestic role for women 30. Status of women in the antebellum period 31. Seneca Falls Conference (1848) 32. Hindrances to success 33. Women and the professions 30. Utopian communities 34. Proliferation of utopian communities 35. Nature of the Shaker communities 36. Development and contributions of the Oneida Community 37. Robert Owen and New Harmony 38. The importance of Brook Farm 39. The decline of utopia Chapter 14: Manifest Destiny I. The Tyler years 1. Harrison’s brief term 2. Tyler’s position on issues 3. Domestic affairs 1. Failure of Clay’s program 2. Tyler left without a party 4. Foreign affairs 3. Problems with Britain needing solution 1. Suppression of African slave trade 4. Compromises of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty 2. Canada-U. S. borders settled 3. Joint patrols of Africa II. The Westward frontier 1. The idea of â€Å"manifest destiny† 1. John L. O’Sullivan 2. The western Indians 2. Plains Indians 3. Pressures from white expansion 3. The Spanish West 4. American attitudes toward area . Spanish colonization not successful in Texas 4. The Mexican Revolution 6. Movements for independence 7. Opened area for American expansion 5. E. Fur trappers in the Rockies 6. Move to Oregon country 8. Joint occupation with Britain 9. Mass migration of Americans by 1843 7. Eyeing California 10. Beginnings of Spanish settlement 11. Franciscan missions 1. Ob jectives 2. Results 12. The rancheros 13. Ship trading with the area 14. Sutter’s colony 8. Movement to Santa Fe 9. Life on the overland trail 15. Statistics 16. Indians rarely attacked 17. Difficulties 18. Gender roles 19. Great Plains ecology 20. 6. The Donner party 10. Fremont’s mapping activities 11. Efforts to acquire California III. Annexing Texas 1. American settlements 1. Role of Stephen F. Austin 2. Mexican edict against immigration 2. Independence for Texas 3. Anglo demands 4. Santa Anna’s actions 5. Rebellion 3. War for Texas independence 6. Battle of the Alamo 7. Independence declared 8. Role of Sam Houston 9. Battle of San Jacinto 4. The Republic of Texas 10. President Sam Houston 11. Efforts for annexation 1. Jackson’s delayed recognition 2. Calhoun’s treaty rejected IV. The election of 1844 1. Desire to keep the Texas issue out of the campaign 2. Clay’s evasion on Texas 3. Democrats nominate a dark horse—James K. Polk 4. Polk’s victory V. Polk’s presidency 1. Polk’s background 2. Polk’s program 3. Annexation of Texas by Tyler 4. Oregon demands 1. British hesitancy about war 2. Compromise treaty VI. Mexican War 1. Negotiations with Mexico 2. Provocation of an attack 3. The request for war 4. Opposition to the war 1. In various parts of the country 2. In New England 5. E. Preparation for war 3. Troops compared 4. Comparisons of other factors 5. Selection of a commander 6. Taylor’s conquest of northern Mexico . Annexation of California 6. Fremont’s efforts 7. Bear Flag Republic 8. Stockton’s claim of governorship 9. Kearny’s move to California 8. Taylor’s battles 10. Victory at Monterrey 11. Polk’s assumptions and suspicions 12. Santa Anna’s return to power 13. Battle of Buena Vista 14. Taylor granted leave and returns home 9. Scott’s move to Mexico City 15. Amphibious attack on Veracruz 16. Troop reinforcements 17. Attack on Mexico City 10. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 18. Terms of the treaty 19. Ratification 11. The war’s legacy 20. Gains and losses 21. Innovations 22. Debate over slavery How to cite Chapter 13an American Renaissance: Religion, Romanticism, and Reform, Papers

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